2nd International Buca Education Faculty Visual Arts İzmir Biennial
August 30-September 28: Application Deadline
September 28- October 13: Jury notification mailed.
October 26: Deadline to send printable images and text of the works.
November 10: Deadline to send accepted works.
November 13: Reception
August 30-September 28: Application Deadline
September 28- October 13: Jury notification mailed.
October 26: Deadline to send printable images and text of the works.
November 10: Deadline to send accepted works.
November 13: Reception
1- Buca Education Faculty 2nd International Visual Arts Biennial’s title is “Lyric Balance”.
2- Artists can attend with maximum 3 projects.
3- Artists are independent on technique.
4- Projects must be suitable to exhibit and permanent.
5- Conceptual projects must be constructed by artists at least one day before the reception.
6- Curator and arrangement committee can use initiative to invite artists.
7- Contributors must comply with the deadlines.
8- A “Certificate of Participation” will be delivered to the contributors.